Introducing a time-saving, anxiety-reducing, resentment-prevention system that offers partners a completely new way to divvy up domestic labor.
"The bottom line is simple: Every domestic task takes time, and the minutes quickly add up. When your partner recognizes that your time is important and that there is value to him or her in relieving you from some of the time burden (less nagging, disappointment, and resentment), he or she is much more likely to share the workload. That's fairness." - Author of Fair Play, Eve Rodsky
With the help of the Fair Play system, you’ll gain tools to truly distribute the mental load of a domestic partnership in an equitable way that works for your family’s unique needs. By learning a new vocabulary that will change the way you think and talk about domestic life, you will create a system that sets you and your partner up for success in your relationship and your parenting and allows both of you to reclaim time to discover your Unicorn Space!
Book a Fair Play 101 Workshop.
Fair Play 101 Workshops are coming to Central Ohio! Tired, stressed and need more help from your partner? Tired of caring the majority of the mental load?
If you are…
over making all the lists, keeping all the calendars and making all the magic?
frustrated because you feel like you’re trying to help support your partner/household/family, but feel like you’re striking out?
feeling the resentment starting to boil over?
ready to show up more fully in all your roles?
about to welcome a new baby into your home (or have in the past 5 or so years) and everything feels unmanageable?
ready to reclaim your unicorn space and find your curiosity, creativity and joy again?
…the Fair Play Method can help!
Tired of doing it all at home? Fair Play can help!
Fair Play 101 Workshop
Have you heard about Fair Play but you want more information and support as you dive in? Fair Play 101 is a 180-minute group workshop that provides an overview of the Fair Play Method, and sets you up to head home, deal your deck and dive in!
Fair Play Consultation: Individualized Support $300
Ready to dive in but you want some additional support? A Fair Play Consultation Package provides you with everything you will need to understand, implement and troubleshoot the systemic change that will enable equitable division of labor in your home or work!
What’s Included?
•A digital copy of the Fair Play Cards and workbook
•One 60-minute Assessment and Introductory Session providing an overview of the Fair Play Method
•One 90 minute Fair Play Strategy Session
•30 minute virtual check-in
Fair Play For Expecting Parents $450
Nothing shakes up the dynamics of invisible domestic and mental labor in a home quite like the addition of a 7.5lb tiny human! Even if you feel like you and your partner are doing “okay enough” with dividing tasks now, managing the additional dishes and laundry, navigating childcare schedules and sickness, and figuring out boundaries with in laws quickly turns into the kindling of resentment between partners during the postpartum period! But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Successfully implementing the Fair Play Method prior to bringing home your baby can help partners protect themselves against some of the common 4th Trimester pitfalls including resentment, overstimulation, burnout and rage.
What’s Included?
•A digital copy of the Fair Play Cards and workbook
•One 90-minute Introductory Session at the beginning of the 3rd trimester providing an overview of the Fair Play Method and the addition of the Baby Cards
•One 30-minute follow-up sessions before baby is born
•Two 30-minute postpartum follow up sessions
Fair Play for Therapists
Curious about how you can incorporate Fair Play strategies into your work with clients and couples? Stay tuned for upcoming learning opportunities!